
This Weeks Specials
Traditional Bacon Pieces 1kg
$5.00 each
Tasty Shredded Cheese 500g
$7.00 each
Norco Full Cream Milk 2L
$3.50 each
Real Cheese Tasty Cheddar Slices 250g
$4.75 each
Norco Lactose Free Full Cream Milk 2L
$5.00 each
Mini Baby Bel Protein 100g
$2.00 each
Meggles Farm 12 Medium Cage Eggs 500g
$5.50 each
Miracle Margarine Spread 500g
$2.00 each
Black & Glod Bacon Streaky Best Before 28.​10.​24 200g
$2.00 each
Real Tasty Block Cheese 500g
$7.50 each
Blue Heaven Danish Blue Cheese 100g
$4.00 each
Norco Lite Milk 2L
$4.00 each
The Cheesecake Shop Citron Cheesecake Cup 8 x 100g
$8.00 each
Black & Gold Sreaky Bacon 200g
$2.00 each
Norco Skim Milk 2L
$5.00 each
The Cheesecake Shop Citron Cheesecake Cup 100g
$1.00 each
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    Item Cost
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